
Is There Racial Inequality at Your Child’s School?

Discriminology's school accountability report cards make it easy to find, rate, and share information on how fair and just your local K-12 schools are and see how they compare to others. 

Wondering how it works? Watch a video



How families use Discriminology school report cards

Discriminology’s school report cards help families to be more informed and engaged around local and systemic equity issues

SearchSearch over 90,000 individual public and charter schools


Search over 90,000 individual public and charter schools

ReportTake surveys, rate your school, & report unfair discipline


Take surveys, rate your school, & report unfair discipline

MotivateBring equity issues to the attention of your local schools


Bring equity issues to the attention of your local schools

OrganizeConnect with other families around local equity issues


Connect with other families around local equity issues

ShareLike & share school information with your social network


Like & share school information with your social network

PlanIdentify equity issues and work with others to take action


Identify equity issues and work with others to take action



Find your school, take action

At the top of each school’s report card are 4 action items that allow members to either rate their school, start a discussion, take a survey and/or file a complaint. These action items represent key takeaways from over a 100 different focus groups, interviews and conversations with Black and Brown families. Find your school

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Find out what your school’s data means and why it matters

Using the most recent data available (i.e., 2015-2016 OCR Data Set), Discriminology school report cards put the details of educational data into context to help communities gain deeper insights so that they can better understand and use school data. Try now

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Ask the right questions

Discriminology school report cards allow communities to rate their school in 10 different equity informed categories. These categories are based on research principles from culturally responsive pedagogy, developmental psychology, and critical race theory.

We are continuously working with our expanding network of community partners to ensure that our equity categories best reflect the educational needs and concerns of Black and Brown families.



Simplifying communication and elevating voices

Discriminology helps to create alignment and understanding within communities by providing an interactive space for sharing ideas, content or research directly on a school’s report card.

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Smart, secure, & social

Security First

Discriminology uses a serverless, highly scalable, low cost enterprise grade data warehouse designed to keep all data secure, clean, and organized.

Progression System

Discriminology’s innovative Progression System uses Justice Points (JP) to track the growth of its members. These points will be used to earn badges, enter contest and compete for justice glory on live leaderboards.

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Simple & powerful search

Equity Filters

Discriminology’s growing set of educational equity filters allow users to customize their search by student subgroups, such as race with gender and with disability status.

Intuitive Design

Built with our end user in mind, Discriminology maps and filter sets were designed to put relevant information upfront so that families can easily find what their looking for.



Get started using our school report cards today