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Mooji Meter

The Mooji meter is a powerful new tool, designed and created by the team at Discriminology, for measuring the emotional climate of your school. As a tier one intervention, Mooji centers can be setup throughout your campus to measure and increase the emotional intelligence (EI) of your entire student body.

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Why use a Mooji Meter?

The emotional climate of a school affects the community’s well-being and students’ ability to learn. A Mooji Meter is an awsome way to measure that climate. Not only can it guage the tempature of the emotional environment, it also improves it. By learning to recognize and name our different emotional states we increase our ability to regulate them.

What does Mooji mean?

It's "Mood" + "Emoji" - we use traditional Emoji characters as a medium to identify and recognize different emotional states. As social media has become widespread, emoji's have played a significant role in communication through technology. They offer a diverse range of "tone" and feeling through a digital format, that portray specific emotions as facial gestures.

How It Works

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. Research shows that the more we notice and name our emotions, the better we get at regulating them. Our Moji Meter is based on Yale university's, evidence based, RULER concept.

The acronym RULER refers to the five key emotion skills of Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing, and Regulating emotions. RULER intends to increase personal wellbeing, effective teaching and leadership, academic achievement, and classroom emotional climate change. An essential aspect of RULER is that it involves training for educational leaders, teachers, support staff, students and families. To date, the program has reached over 500,000 students and hundreds of schools have used the program.

Using the Mooji Meter, students and educators become more mindful of how their emotions change throughout the day and how their emotions in turn affect their actions. They develop the self-awareness they need to inform their choices. Students learn to expand their emotional vocabulary, replacing basic feeling words with more sophisticated terms. They graduate from using words like ‘ok’ or ‘fine’ to using words like ‘alienated’ and ‘hopeless,’ or ‘tranquil’ and ‘serene.’ By teaching subtle distinctions between similar feelings, the Mooji Meter empowers students and educators to recognize the full scope of their emotional lives and address all feelings more effectively.
